Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Papillon World

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cats to Papillons?

HOW DID I GO FROM BEING A CAT PERSON TO A PAPILLON PERSON? This should explain it all... Papillon is French for butterfly and the erect fringed ear of the papillon resembles a beautiful butterfly. They are a lively little dog that can go from being playful, entertaining and animated to calm and gentle in minutes. Papillons are tougher than they look and ranked the 8th most intelligent of all canines. These traits make them easy to train and very good in agility and obedience competitions. They are also known to be good therapy dogs, because of their gentleness and the fact that they like to cuddle. The Papillon is a very dedicated dog and can be a good companion for years to come. I'm not a total traitor, I just have more Papillons than cats, now.