Saturday, April 28, 2012

We Can Walk.... Rather Quickly!

Pen and Tent
It's been another adventurous week...

Trixie has decided that she likes being closer to everyone.  The problem I'm having is that she decides to come visit, while the puppies are still nursing.  She drags them half way out of the pen and I have to go put them back in.

I placed a pup tent on one end of the pen and I put the pups in there at night. She does stay with them at night. During the day I have been placing them on a large sherpa bed but they've already learned that they can get climb out of that, after mom dragged them out of it for the 3rd time!

Emma 3 weeks old
It's more difficult for the pups to get in and out of the tent but Emma is determined.  She's the biggest pup.  I haven't seen the others succeed but I saw Bailey get about half way and I picked him up and put him on the open bed.

I found Emma drinking water.  I thought she was drowning!  I told myself last night that I needed to raise the dishes off the bottom of the pen.  She  put her head in her mom's food bowl next and continued licking her food until I put her mom  back in with them.  That satisfied her hunger issue.  She doesn't need to be eating dog food yet. 

Jesse 3 weeks
When they're chasing mom they move rather quickly.  If she's right outside the pen they'll come out of it.  They all walk better on the flat surface.  Jesse is not bashful when he's hungry. 

Bailey 3 weeks
Bailey comes over to the side of the pen and lets you pet him. I think he's such a cute puppy.

I finally brought Diamonds around Trixie and the pups. She walked right by them.  I know that she saw them but I think she knew that, if she valued her life, she needed to take it slowly.  Trixie smelled her and walked away.  That was that!

I still haven't left Diamonds with all the others and gone anywhere.  I'm still a little concerned that she and Oreo will gang up.  That's mother and son and he's gotten braver and more vocal, since she's been around.  Every once in a while Trixie will bark, for no reason, and they jump up and run toward the pen.  They listen to me and stop but I'm not real comfortable with leaving them all alone, yet.

Pet sitter to the rescue?

I turned around today and saw Marquis licking the puppies!  I thought it was Trixie and immediately looked to see where mom was.  I was concerned that we were going to have issues but there doesn't seem to be much of a problem with the other dogs.  My 'monster' child still isn't around, yet. 

HOLLY WILL BE COMING SOON!  She's SO fast and wants to be in the middle of whatever you're doing.  If she wasn't so cute she'd be better behaved but I've said that about all of my dogs. I need someone tougher and faster than me to work with her on agility.

Most breeders crate their dogs and they don't have these issues.  Most smart pet owners crate their dogs, too.  This is one of those times that I wish I had done the same!  I could actually mention a few of those times.  I strongly recommend crate training and I did start my first papillon that way.  My husband would 'free' them in the middle of the night.  I'm not sure when the dogs started training me.

We were taking pictures of the pups today and Trixie didn't like that much.  She just knew one was missing. She had to inspect the towel and then she tried to jump on the dining room table!  Trix inspected us, as well. Slim chance of there being a successful "dognapping" around here!

Trixie needs to learn how to count to (3) and then count her blessings!  (One of my paps had a litter of six (6)!)

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Emma 2wks
Bailey, Jesse and Emma opened their eyes, overnight! They were cute before but now they're even more beautiful!
Bailey 2 wks

Jesse 2 wks

I moved Trixie and the pups in a pen in the dining room yesterday.  She keeps running back to 'her' room looking for 'god knows what'.  Does she think I left a  puppy in there?

Okay, so I'm not a photographer by any means!  Jesse is either camera shy or is just an active child.

Last night I had to put the pups back in 'Trixie's' room because she wouldn't stop barking but I pulled them back out today.  We'll see what happens tonight.  She'll get used to it.  Patience, patience.  If this doesn't work I'm going to put a crate in my bedroom instead of putting her back in her room.

She needs to get used to the other dogs being around her pups besides I still haven't brought Diamonds in.  Diamonds is going to be shocked and I still have Holly after that.  Holly is going to go NUTS!

Now that they can see, they're getting playful and can find each other easier. So now they're not only whining but they've started squealing AND they're getting active. It's going to be a busy week with Diamonds and then Holly.  

I'll put collars and leashes on them and it'll all work out it's just that I DO have a job, too. Surprised?  I've given up the rest of my life. That's part of breeding.

On one hand I can't wait until the pups get bigger.  The other dogs will love it and Trixie should be less protective but on the other hand it'll be more work for me.

Get your puppy orders in now!  They'll be ready for their forever homes @ June 3rd.

See my website for more info.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Growing Like Weeds!

Bailey, Jessie and Emma are growing like weeds.  My kids think they still look like tiny cows.  When all of our adult dogs go outside it looks like we have a herd of cattle.
2 wks old

Trixie is being a great mother and is enjoying being able to leave her pups and visit the family more and more.  Don't get me wrong, she spends most of her time in the crate/bed with her babies but she's checking every corner of the house out.  I'm concerned that she's considering moving the  pups, herself, under the bed.

It's been a few years since I had a litter and there are so many more options for whelping boxes and crates, beds and pens for growing pups.  Since I'm working working out of my house, I can be with Trix and am looking at all the different things for her growing puppies along with my adult dogs.

I'm getting creative and am going to move Trixie and her pups under the dinette table.  Using a flexible fencing/pen and the (4) legs of table, I'm going to enclose the area.  Hopefully, Trixie is ready for the pups to be closer to the adult dogs. We will soon see, as I want to tackle this project this weekend.  Everything needs to be set-up before the work week starts.  If this doesn't work.....?

I can't believe that I'm going to move her AND bring Diamonds into the fold.  I'm crazy.  Trixie is already going to be leery about being put in the open and  Diamonds is going to be shocked that these pups even exist!  Maybe I need to re-think this.

I've been playing more with the pups and getting them closer to the other dogs, watching Trixie's reaction the whole time. 

Oreo hiding from pups

This was Oreo's reaction to the pups. Too Funny!

I've got time so I'm going to check out the best 'next step' enclosure.  Previously, we used a 'home made' pen that worked well but there are some terrific looking pet crates, pens, carriers and more.

I keep having to remind myself that this isn't going to be their 'Forever' home, so I don't need to go crazy but the options appear to be endless! (It's kind of like when you 'flip a house'.  Yeah, you'd like "this" but you're not going to be living there!

Last year, I had 13 people that wanted puppies in May and I didn't have any.  I searched around for them and found pups for some of the adoptive families.  I should be a puppy broker, too!  Commission anyone? (didn't happen)

I hope that this year families can wait until June to get their new baby!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

We Have Names!

We have (2) boys and (1) girl.  Their names are Bailey , Jesse and Emma.

Baily 8 days old 12 oz.
Bailey is the smallest male and was born first.  He's doubled his weight  and is now a whopping 12oz. 

Jesse 8 days old 14 oz.
Jessie was the last one born, has also doubled his weight, and is now 14oz.

Emma 8  days old 16 oz.
Emma was the 2nd born and was the biggest one.  She's now 16oz.

Trixie is being such a good mom.  She stays in the bed with her pups, most of the time but is now coming out of her 'private' room and visiting with the rest of the family.

She has normal aggression to the other dogs but only when they pass her room.  At other times she will jump on the couch and rest with the gang or go outside with them.

This is the first litter, out of the last (3), that I haven't had to bottle feed a baby or coerce the mother into eating and drinking by squirting water or milk supplement into her mouth.  (Yes, my mom's have been spoiled.)

I'm checking out new, larger crates and pens for her.  They have a neat 'instant' pop up pen that I'm serious about getting for when I take everyone gets bigger and I take them with me to work.

Took Trixie and the pups, by carrier, to the vet and stopped by work.  She did NOT like going there.  Even though I had her save crate/pen, there were other dogs outside the 'unknown' bathroom and the room wasn't as cozy as the one that she is at home.  She preferred hanging out in the car with her pups in carrier than staying in the bathroom with the dogs smelling outside the door.

Needless to say, I haven't tried that again. I won't be taking them anywhere until they're 4 weeks old and then it'll be only to the office and/or vet. 
Oreo & Abby chilling out on the back of the couch.  They have no puppy worries, yet. They've heard them and gotten their lesson from Trixie and that's that!
I still have a couple of more dogs that I need to re-introduce to her and introduce the puppies.  Well, there is no introducing there it's when Trixie scares the crap out of them that they realize that there are 'unseen' puppies in the room and that they have to stay away.

I'm going to try to get Diamonds used the situation, starting this weekend.  My main issue with her is going to be her teaming up with her son (Oreo) and them making themselves a 'pack'. They wouldn't hurt the pups but Trixie doesn't know that and Diamonds can jump the fence!  There would be a blood bath, if she tried that stunt.  I think that she'll quickly learn Trixie's 'rules'.

I'll get some more baby puppy pics in a few days or if the pups learn any stunts between now and then I'll post sooner! lol

Hyper 'center of attention, at all times' Holly is going to have to wait!  She needs some behavioral training before I tackle bringing her together. 

Wish me luck with Diamonds!

I'm going to need more than luck when Holly is brought back into the picture.  Doggy downers for her and an alcoholic beverage or (2) will be needed for me!  Cocktails anyone?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Week Old Puppies!

Well, Trixie is being a great mom.  This is the first litter, that I can remember, that I haven't had to bottle feed the babies or coerce mom to eat and drink.

She doesn't want milk but if I mix either Goat's milk or milk replacement with the water she'll drink it fine. It's really funny, if she is nursing when she drinks the milk supplement the pups appear to nurse more feverishly.  You'd that that it was going into her mouth and then into theirs. Seriously!

Emma 1wk old
These puppies are so healthy. Although they've only gained an ounce or so, they look twice as big. 

So that I can check on everyone and weigh the  pups daily, I have her in an open crate.  I'll be putting her in a different crate soon. She doesn't like the other dogs seeing her pups and prefers to be able to look around the cracked door to see what's going on, so I'll leave her there for now.  I'll need to put her in a soft sided crate so that the pups are more hidden from the others.  I don't know if that will make her happy or not.

I have her eating puppy food and taking a vitamin to make sure she stays healthy.  I still wish I could put some more weight on her.  She no longer wants the BilJak or Nature's Remedy that she used to love.  Oh well, at this point as long as what she'd eating is healthy, I'll worry about getting her back on the dry food later.

Both Abby and Marquis were present and watching when Trix was in labor.  Abby was so excited that her wagging tail was hitting the wall.  Of course, she didn't realize that she was making noise, since she's hearing impaired.   Marquis was on the other side of Trixie and she's such a pro that she thought that she needed to help.

No, I didn't let either one get too close and momma didn't appear to have a problem with the audience.  In the past I've had both dogs and cats hanging around during the birthing experience.  It seems to make the dam more accepting of the other animals, sooner.

She's now running back and forth from the pups, outside, to the kitchen or hang out on the couch.  She doesn't stay anywhere long before she goes back to her babies but I like the fact that she's moving around a little.

I've got to bring the other dogs around and hope things go as well.  I don't want her to revert back to staying in the crate and me having to literally pick her up and carry her outside but it's time that the other dogs get to hang around again.

Yes, these are my barking dogs.  It's been so peaceful! 

I do have a small collar on her and a leash close by.  That will help to protect the other dogs.

Wish me luck!

Interested in a puppy?  Let me know.  They'll be available for adoption in June.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Trixie brought us (3) puppies for Easter!

We have (2) boys and (1) girl. They are all black and white and/or tri-colored. The sire's colors were more prominent.

All are healthy and beautiful! I must learn how to post pictures but they're not being overly photogenic, at this time.

They have a champion bloodline and will be selling for $850.00 each. Let me know if you're interested.

Hoping to get pictures soon!

Even though she's in her own room, she occasionally comes out and is a bit aggressive to the other dogs, which is normal. Just keeping a collar on her to be able to control her and protect the other dogs.


Until next time.....

Friday, April 6, 2012

Trixie's Having (3) Puppies!

Took Trixie to the vet and found out that she'll be having (3) healthy pups, next week. Hopefully, she'll hold out until then. I still have a few things to do before her due date.

Yes, I'm a worry wart. I don't know of many breeders that do this...for the first couple of weeks, I'll be staying with Trixie. This is her first litter and I want to make sure everything is okay. We'll have to see if she'll allow the other dogs to get close. Abby let Roxy jump in her box and help clean the pups up! That was a shocker but so much fun to watch. Who knows how Trixie's going to act but I think she's ready to get those pups out. She's about to pop!

I haven't had time to find a pet trainer for Holly. She's a mess but just the cutest thing. I'm very worried about her and the pups. She likes to be the center of everything and that's not going to be the case for a while. Trixie is already snipping at her.

After a week or so, I'll put her and the pups in a crate, so that she'll feel safe. From there, I've got a pen to put them in. Yes, all the dogs will have their collars and leashes on to see how things go.

At (4) weeks I'll start taking them all to work with me. No, I don't leave my dogs alone very often and not for very long. I've gotten a pop up pen to put them in. It's great! There is no set up, it has a removable zip off top and the floor of it is removable and washable. I think it's going to work out well. I think it's going to be better than the pen/fencing/barrier that I've used in the past.

Oh, I tried a bark control product that is like a gun. It does not work well. I'll be returning it after I see if the 'box' to put on the fence works or not. My husband doesn't want me to put bark collars on them, yet. There is mainly one that has been a problem lately. He'll bark over everything and anything. I don't know what's up with him. Sometimes one of the others will get them going to I can't blame it all on THE ONLY MALE THAT I HAVE! lol

Maybe I'll have pictures of the pups on my next blog! Until then...