Tuesday, June 26, 2012

And Then There Was One..For Three More Days!

Bailey's gone to his 'FOREVER' home.

Last Playtime

Bailey's Last Nap
After his last playtime with his sister, Emma, he took a short nap before his ride home.  He did try to fit his entire body into a shoe, as well.  I guess he wanted to make sure that he experienced everything possible, before leaving.

Emma (Fanny) is getting spoiled rotten.  Wait until HER 'Forever Parents' get back from their Honeymoon!  She is rather exhausted, thanks to Holly and Trixie.

I hope that Jesse and Bailey are both doing well.  I play 'low key' music for all of my dogs at night, when I'm working or not at home.  I was a little concerned that Emma would have a rough night, since it was her first night without a sibling in her pen.  Actually, I figured that I'd have her in my bed before the night was over but she slept through the night.  Good Job Emma!

She was out of her pen most of yesterday and today, as well.  Trixie and Holly have been playing and I think 'tormenting' her but she's been a trooper.

I've put a couple of dog beds throughout the house, so that she can crash wherever and whenever she'd like, after I found her asleep on the carpet.  Bless her heart.
Carpet Nap

She thinks that she has 'super powers' and should be able to jump on the couch.  I have lifted her up on the couch a couple of times, while I was working and she crashed in my lap.  It's not a good idea for me to do this often.  I'm not sure of the environment that she's going to be living in but they could get her a 'doggy couch'!
I hope her new parents are going to be able to give her a lot of attention.  Unfortunately, they don't live close enough for me to puppy sit.  I'm willing to take care of Jesse or Bailey, who do live fairly close by.

Emma is doing very well with housebreaking and I understand that Bailey is, as well.  All of the pups were introduced to 'the outside world' at six (6) weeks and each time that they were taken out, I made sure that each of them did their business, before coming in.  At a very young age, they were going from their pen and into the 'tent', separating their bathroom area from their play and sleep areas.  Papillons are so smart.  It's almost scary!

I'm going to put a harness on Emma, tomorrow.  I think she'll do a lot better than Holly did.  Holly spent her first day twirling and twirling but she was almost a year old when I adopted her.  Holly needs a lot of work and thinks that she is a puppy but has bad habits that real pups don't have.

I'm going to miss the puppies.  It's been nice bringing life into the world and make three (3) families very happy.  I got a 'puppy fix' as well.

All of the adult dogs have found that the safest place for them is on the couch!

Trixie & Walker made beautiful, well behaved & intelligent puppies!

I'm hoping to use Walker as the sire to my next litter, with Holly.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Everything is coming together.  There are still a few hic-ups here and there but all-in-all "Papillon World" is looking up!

Bailey found a 'forever home' so now all the puppies have been spoken for.  His parents have a short trip to take but will be picking him up when they return on the 9th of June.

Jesse left to go live with his 'new parents' this past weekend. His 'new mom' hasn't told me if she left him in his crate the first night and his 'new dad' wants to call him Bogart(I'll find him the perfect dog to name Bogart but a papillon is not the one.)

I spoke to  Emma/Fannie's new mom.  Her fiance' made it back safely from Afghanistan.  They're leaving for their wedding and will be picking up "Miss Fannie" on the 12th of June.  (WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THESE NAMES?)  I've already warned her that she's going to have her hands full.  'Miss Fannie' is a piece of work and will need good training but not for housebreaking, they're all doing a great job with that.  She gets on her hind legs and walks toward the adult dogs growling the entire way.  She looks like a panda bear and sounds serious at her size.

Trixie is getting back to playing, almost nonstop, with Holly.  The pups are finding it hard to get their attention.  Trixie and Holly are playing so much that the pups whine to get out of their pen the majority of the day. They pups have gotten so spoiled and I haven't helped.  With me working here, I'm able to play with them, let them out and run around the house but I have work to do.

Papillons are super smart and that is a good and bad thing.  They're the 8th most intelligent canine.  Once they see something they remember how to do it.  I open their pen and tell them to go outside and they do.  I call them back in and they come.  They do they're "business" in between but they are also getting quite adventurous and will stray.  I have a fenced yard and it's very safe but they're tunneling under the shrubbery and I can't see them in the hill of juniper.

Like I said, they listen to me.  When I can't find them, I just call "puppies" and they come running.  I have to admit that it was a little easier when they stayed with their mom and nanny (Holly).

I usually don't put puppies in a harness until they're about 10 weeks old.  They shouldn't be going anywhere until they have their 2nd set of shots, at the least but doesn't hurt for them to get used to the harness and when they get a used to that add a leash and they can pull that behind them, as well.  I've found it easier to get the pup used to being walked.  I also recommend that you find a vet that you're comfortable with that is close to home.  Also, know where your emergency vet is.

I think that Holly is going to be a good mom.  If her mommy skills are anything like her nanny skills, she's going to be a champ!  I'm hoping that she goes in heat soon and then her puppies will be ready for Xmas!  I've already got people calling to get on Holly's puppy list.  Forget all of that, I hope Trixie helps Holly as much as Holly has been there for Trixie!

I mentioned that things were coming together.  I finally found an agility trainer for Holly and she knew of a wonderful groomer!  How lucky can one get?

The groomer did a great job and she used the 'Furminator' on them and they came back half the size, which means only half as much hair can fall out!  She works in the Marietta/Kennesaw, GA area, so if anyone is looking for a groomer let me know. 

Now in the middle of things, my car was basically totaled and that hasn't helped matters. (A little hic-up.)  I didn't know that you weren't allowed to have dogs in rental cars (hic-up).  That's ridiculous!  What happened to having a car that is equal to the one that you had prior to the collision?  Try finding a car in the middle of my world.  I'm working diligently on that task.  I've test driven over a dozen cars and actually bought (2).  I returned the Town Car.  The dogs thought that they were in a playpen and it was just too big for us.  I'm now in a Montego with a leather interior, which is a must for long haired dogs.  I'm still not 100% thrilled but I have a car again!  I've got until Wednesday to find another one before it's mine for keeps.

Holly will begin her agility training soon, hopefully.  Her new trainer is having to have minor surgery and things are being delayed.  (Like I said, little hic-ups). I can't wait to hear and see the changes in her.  Maybe Holly WILL survive and be able to stay and be happy here for many years to come.  All of the other dogs need to be happy, as well.


Only One Puppy Available!

I can't believe that another week has come and gone.  It's been four (4) weeks since the puppies were born.  Wow!

Speaking of gone, one couple adopted Emma and another couple adopted Jesse.  I'm glad that they have 'FOREVER' homes. Emma (who's new name is 'Miss Fanny') will be picked up on June 12th and Jessie ( I don't know his new name) will be leaving us in about a month.

Bailey still needs a home.  He's always been my favorite.  I actually thought that he would be the first one adopted.  He's feisty and likes to play with the adult dogs. He and Emma/Fannie gets on their hind legs and it's hysterical. He looks like a 6" tall polar/panda bear.  It's definitely a Kodak moment.

The puppies are thriving and have been pulling over mom's food bowl all week.  I've started giving them a little wet mixed with dry puppy food.  They have teeth and I prefer for them to eat dry food. They're still nursing, as well.

Holly's well...being Holly.  Thank goodness I have a collar/harness on Trixie, so that I can control one of them.  (Holly has a fit if I put a collar or harness on her.)  I got Holly when she was ten (10) months old and I think that she didn't have one on long enough to get used to it. She was almost completely housebroken so that was a blessing.  (Thank you April!) We will be working on training and agility, once the pups are gone.  Holly is 'fast as a whip' but let's tackle one dog project, at a time.

"Puppies are more fun than balls!"
 HOLLY IS DYING FOR A PUPPY and TRIXIE IS DYING TO  KILL HOLLY!  (Not really the killing part but the Holly wanting a puppy part is true.)  When the puppies escape, Holly has so much fun.  When Trixie isn't in with her pups, Holly lay at the opening until the pups pay attention and come to her.

Trixie allows Marquis and Diamonds to go into the pen.  Therefore, Holly thinks it's okay for her to do it.( I can't blame her there.)  She sneaks in, by way of the corner of the pup tent, and sometimes gets away with it. If I see her I, get her out before she gets into serious trouble.

Trixie's not even thrilled when Abby, who is a sweet angel, gets near the pen.  If I'm holding a puppy she will let her look and smell the pup for a minute but then she steps in between us. Keep in mind that Abby watched the puppies be born and didn't interfere in any way.  The only thing she did was wag her tail so hard that it hit the wall each time one was born.

Those puppies love their sherpa bed and their tent!  They have started playing and it's so cute.  Every once in a while you'll hear a loud squeal but Trix gets there long before I have to.  I have the puppy pads in between the two areas and they're pretty good about using them.

Seriously, Trixie just lead the pups out of the pen and behind the table.  I've got to put them back in and find some sort of barrier to resolve the issue!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The House Has Gone To The Dogs!

I apologize to all of my future 'FOREVER HOME' owners.  I told you that I'd keep updating pictures of your puppies and I've fallen short of doing so.  It's been a crazy month.  Luckily, some of you have been able to come by, like on Mother's Day, to visit your new babies.  I've sent pictures directly to others. 


Here is just SOME of what's been going on...Trixie started helping the puppies escape.  Before the end of a week the puppies figured out that they could climb the cardboard box, which I was using to block them from escaping but still allowing Trixie to do so, with their sharp claws.  I starting closing and latching the pen but then I had to open and close it, each time Trixie wanted to get in or out.

The puppies, who are too smart for MY own good, started climbing under the tent, which I've been using instead of a crate.  I had to completely close in the pen, including the tent, @ 1:30 in the morning.  I was expecting to wake up and see all of the pups next to my bed!

I took the puppies outside about 2 weeks ago.  They are 8 weeks old.  Now I can open the pen and they will follow everyone outside and don't have to be in an enclosed area.  They use the restroom and come to me when I call them. I have no problems with them following everyone back inside.
1st time outside

I let them run loose throughout the house.  They like the room and play with their mom and each other.  The pups like to play with the big dog toys and the adults go into the pup pen and steal the puppy's toys and eat their food. 
I had been so apprehensive about bringing Holly back home but she's been WONDERFUL.  She's a great nanny.  Abby sometimes gets involved in 'play time', as well.

Abby and Holly spent the night out and Trixie went nuts!  She didn't know how to handle all three (3) of them by herself.  She appeared so confused that I had to help her with play time.  They get played with by everyone.

Can I come out to play?
Trixie goes crazy and races around the house, in a circle, after the puppies have been out for a while.  I've never seen her run so fast.  I wish I could get a video of all of their antics.

The pups will be going to their 'FOREVER' homes soon and it's going to seem so lonely.  I won't miss Trixie waking me up each night.  Getting  between 4 - 6 hours of sleep is getting old. 

I can't wait to catch up on my sleep! 

I'll have a list of items the new parents will need.