Saturday, April 6, 2013

Why it’s Important to get Pet Insurance and three great tips on how to do it!


When we think of taking care of our family we always make sure that we can provide them with the best care possible. We search for the best and healthy food, clothing to keep everyone warm and a comfortable home. This goes to without saying that that includes our four legged family members too!
One of the most important things to consider when providing for our family is insurance. We insure our homes, our cars and ourselves and it’s just as important that we insure our furry family member as well.

Why do you need pet Insurance?
Have you ever gone to the vet with an emergency? Well, I have, my Cat Max became ill quiet suddenly and I had to rush him to his vet at once. First, I can tell you that Max is no fan of the vet and getting him in his crate while he was in pain is something that I still have the scars. However the vet bill that I received that day seriously damaged my bank account too.  I didn’t have pet insurance and Max was prescribed and required ongoing treatment. If he didn’t get the treatment, he would die.
I stood there with tears in my eyes, my cat was sick and the cost to make him well was going to cost 1000’s of dollars. So the only recourse I had was to use Mr. Visa as my insurance provider to help my cat become well.
I wouldn’t recommend using a credit card to pay for expensive vet procedures. It took me over 8 months to pay it off and I also had to skip buying that new computer I wanted.
However I learned a valuable lesson and made sure when I got Maggie, she would be insured the day I brought her home. Now I was new to pet insurance so I took these simple steps to insure that I had the best care coverage for Maggie.

How to get pet Insurance that is right for you and your pet
1. Ask
·         Ask your Vet if there is a policy he likes
·         Check and ask your friends who have pets what policy that they use and like
·         Post  a question on your favorite dog forum
2. Research
·         There are great comparison sites that compare the various pet policies. Make sure you see what the costs, terms, and what illness they provide.
·         How they provide coverage, is it per illness, per year or on going?
3. Choose the right level of cover for your pet and budget
·         Get Insurance for your pet while they are young and fit. Some insurance companies will not cover your pet if they already have had a health issue.
·         If your dog is a pedigree, is there specific health needs?
·         What are your standard vet bills in your area?
·         Do you live in an area where your dog may be exposed to a particular risk?
·         Will the policy cover the best level of care for my pet?
·         How much excess are you willing to pay?
I have had pet insurance for Maggie for over 5 years and I’m happy to announce that I never have had to use it for anything major. However her insurance has paid for her shots that she needed to go to the United Kingdom, It paid for three emergency visits to the vet when she was a puppy and I was a nervous and new pet mum, Maggie was fine. Lastly, it helped with her treatment when she got a bladder infection. Each time I was not a bundle of nerves and scared to see the vet bill, I knew I had Maggie’s wagging tail covered.

Trina is a loving Beagle owner and likes to make sure her dog is happy when traveling. She and her blogging Beagle has an online e-zine for dog lovers at

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