Tuesday, September 17, 2013







Here are the Puppies In Their New Homes

and some new parents, too!




Chase has been wanting a Papillon, for quite a while. They are inseparable, when he's not in school.  In the evenings, Ranger can do homework with Morgan. Once, Ranger fell asleep on Chase's back. They are darling, together.

Angel and Ranger - Tug of war

His family has another Papillon (above) that is beginning to accept him, already!  They'll be rough housing and conspiring, in no time!

They live in Canton, GA.  So, he's not too far, for a playdate!




Jodie and Roddy 

(new names)

You can't hardly tell where one puppy ends and the other begins!

Roddy - Love his brown markings!
 Hanging Out (Literally)

Jodie is SO cute!

Their new Mom has already gotten Roddy, on a leash!  

Missy said NO WAY!

These pups growing up together is wonderful!

 They live in Roswell, GA

Hopefully, they can come for a playdate, sometime.



Her new family is looking forward to spending time with her.

Maggie has been staying with me and socializing with my extended family.

Nephew - 1st experience for both of them.

Mom's poodle

Sister & wounded nephew

Maggie, Trixie and Holly play all the time. They 'tag team' Maggie and I have some funny videos. 

My living room looks like one big toy box. 

Maggie Loves Tuff toys!


Maggie has been free to roam and play around, all day. If she leaves Holly or Trixie, one of them follow her.

She was lead under the bed and they all started a new game. 
The only place she has not finished exploring is outside.  She's starting to get enthralled in things that she comes across.  I have to be watchful, because I KNOW that I have  
TOXIC PLANTS.  (One LILY pedal will kill a puppy!)

 (I have a list of Toxic plants that I will forward to each of you.  The ASPCA has a more thorough  list of toxic substances i.e. chocolate, tomatoes, onions and more.

Maggie is used to rough housing with mom i.e. getting knocked down and barreled over.  Afterwards, Trixie will then lie down and let Maggie climb and crawl all over her and she pulls at mom's fur. 

Maggie has a wonderful temperament.  
(She does make it pretty clear, when she's not happy.  
She has been vocal, since before she opened her eyes and I always knew it was Maggie.
(95% of the time, it was because she couldn't get to the milk)

Thank you families, for taking good care of my babies!
Please, stay in touch!
I love seeing pictures and hearing stories.
(If you need anything or have any questions, I'm here!) 


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