Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stumbling Block, Agility On Hold, Trainer Needed

I'm having to put my agility wishes on hold. Abby, my deaf dog, dislocated her hip, had surgery and isn't allowed to walk. I'm having to cater to her. I don't crate any of my dogs and now I have to carry Abby around everywhere.

Every room in my house now has a dog bed so that I can put Abby down and try to get something accomplished. If she can't see me, she'll come find me. With her being deaf she obviously can't hear me or have a clue as to what I'm doing. She HAS to see me and has been that way for most of her life.

Abby's wearing a special collar and I'm having to sleep with a leash tied around my wrist, so that Abby doesn't jump off the bed. I have to do the same thing when I put her on the couch. She won't stay on the floor. If she does jump we'll be looking for an Orthopedist. (Can you say 'MAJOR' bucks?!)

My youngest needs to be learning and practicing agility but it's all I can do to keep her from jumping on Abby. Holly is only a year old but you'd think that she was 6 months old. She needs to be doing agility in order to get her better trained and use up some of her energy. She's an adorable little girl and has an incredible Championship background. I'm hoping to breed her at the end of the summer.  Until then, I'm hoping an exercise pen will interest her more than our backyard.  Perhaps she'd get a kick out of a treadmill or wheel!

I'm especially looking for an agility trainer, because I can't do ANYTHING due to Abby's condition. I already know of EVERY store and facility that will allow animals and which don't.

If there is a trainer in my area, please contact me!

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